Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2010 Torch relay on February 10 in North Vancouver

Here is the video I took this morning at 8:30 AM 1 block from where I am now creating this post. As you can see the crowd is very excited as this is a once in a lifetime event for all of us.

Well it looks like the Mennonite Moving Co. got free advertising when I accidently captured their truck in this video.  Which reminds me that you can  also get Free Pay Per Click advertising on just about anything you want to sell. Yeah you could actually sell that rusty old bicycle you have in your garage on the front page of Google, imagine that.

Now back to the procession.  It wasn't what I thought it would be like.  Traffic proceeded down the street as it normally would with people constantly stepping out on the street in order to look down the street for the oncomming procession.  The traffic cops on motorcycles stayed about a block ahead really not doing anything else but just showing their presence.  They were enjoying it.  I heard one of them talking into his microphone telling the cop next to him that he just got a report of a B and E in progress and his comment to the other cop was "I guess we can't go".   All in all they treated everyone very well.  I notice they are not as militaristic in their attitude as compared to the US cops.  About 5 of them were in line at MacDonalds for a coffee and a muffin, after the procession passed and I was behind them.  They were all very polite and courteous as they stepped up to the counter and did not have that arrogant attitude of the cops I have seen in the United States.  Just my own personal opinion.  Perhaps I just never saw the right cops at the right time.  I must confess it is just an inner feeling or intuition that I have that is not really based on physical evidence.  You know, its just that feeling that you get.

Now as for the snow situation on Cypress Mountain they are still trucking it in from 100 miles away at last report.   The mountain is still closed off for repair and snowboarding Olympians are still practicing on mountains that are about 400 miles away in the interior of British Columbia at a place called Big White.  Newspaper here now are largely consumed with Olympics news items and cars are now sprouting flags everywhere to show their support.  We are all very excited.

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